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THE Media

It is the job of citizens to critically reflect upon the culture in which they live in. The media today is the most powerful social institution, instilling morals and values in society. However, the information that individuals are receiving may not always be as accurate as one assumes. The old saying (for millennials), “don’t trust everything you read on the internet” must be applied to all forms of media. It is through these sometimes biased and homogenized channels that individuals are reinforced with information and morals that may be hindering their understanding of the culture that they live in. 

- Militants 


- Anti-police


- Mobs 


- Angry rioters 



- Militants 


- Anti-police


- Mobs 


- Angry rioters 



How black protests are portrayed in the media: 
How black protests are portrayed in the media: 
How white protests are portrayed in the media: 

- Patriots


- Mentally ill 


- Peaceful protestors


-  Upset individuals

The Oregon Standoff

 On January 2nd, 2016 an armed group affiliated with the US militia movement took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Their group consisted of armed individuals who publically spoke out about their acceptance to use violence if police intervention occured. During this time, the media payed very little attention to the event itself. After the first day, newspapers and online magazines were barely responding to the situation. The language that was also involved in these texts had little language about the threat of violence at hand. Many people started to question and complain about how long it was taking the police to intervene in the situation. Finally on February 11th, 2016, 40 days after the group had taken over the wildlife refuge, 25 militants were arrested and charged with federal felony conspiracy offenses.  


“People across the globe have marvelled that the federal authorities didn’t move to take back the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge” AP reports


- Lopez

On August 9th, 2014 Michael Brown was shot by Officer Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. This incident sparked debate and protests around the relationship that law enforcement with black individuals. Protests began and police responded through militarization, established curfews and aggressive tactics. The Ferguson protests lasted until November 23rd, 2014. The media had a significant role in the understanding of the protests within society. Using the racial violence as a way to boost ratings, the press covered the story meticulously. The police used archaic tactics of using the press to smear Brown’s character and distract the audiences from the police brutality that occured. This cover up of police brutality “justifies” the killing of these innocent men while also validating that these people “somehow deserved it” (Rosenfeld). 


“The shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, MO., last Saturday was not an isolated event in American policing. Eighteen percent of the blacks killed during those seven years were under age 21, compared to 8.7 percent of whites.” 


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